Language files
Afrikaans.lng Albanian.lng Belarussian.lng Bosnian.lng Brazilian.lng Bulgarian.lng Catalan.lng Chinese.lng (Simplified) Chinese.lng (Tradional) Croatian.lng Czech.lng Danish.lng Dutch.lng Finnish.lng French.lng German.lng Greek.lng Hungarian.lng Italian.lng Japanese.lng Korean.lng Latvian.lng Macedonian.lng Norwegian.lng Polish.lng Russian.lng Serbian.lng Slovak.lng Slovenian.lng Spanish.lng Swedish.lng Turkish.lng Ukrainian.lng Uzbek.lng
Put the language file in the same directory as Audiograbber. German, French, Spanish and Italian are already in the setup program so you will not need to download them. The ones here might have been updated though. Go to the language page if you want to learn how to make a language file of your own.
This guide is specifically aimed at beginners and provides a simple and clear description of the first steps with Audiograbber.
This guide provides a comprehensive and illustrated 19-page explanation of how to achieve optimal quality recordings, such as from MDs, cassettes, or vinyl records, using Audiograbber's integrated Line-In recording and Algorithmix noise reduction plugins. (Written by Christof Heinzle)